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11-core Breast Cancer Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0302
11-core Human Cancer TMA, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0230
11-core Human Normal TMA, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0297
2-Core Adenovirus Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-0310-CS-RUO
2-Core HHV-8 Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-0309-CS-RUO
2-core Human PIN TMA, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-0333-CS
2-Core SV-40 Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-0308-CS-RUO
23-core Human Cancer TMA, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0231
23-core Human Normal TMA, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0298
3-core GIST Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0242
3-core Lung Cancer Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0306
3-core Neuroblastoma Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0303
31-core Multi Cancer Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0244
4-core MMR Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-0337-CS
5-core BRAF V600E Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0305
5-core Melanoma Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0243
5-Core Multi-Infectious Disease Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-0307-CS-RUO
7-core EGFR Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0295
7-core Human Normal Lymphoid TMA, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0299
9-core PTEN Cell Line Microarray, 5 sld, Reference: BSB 0300
A-1-Antichymotrypsin - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9000-CS
A-1-Antitrypsin - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9001-CS
ACE2 - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9002-CS
Actin Muscle Specific - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9004-CS
Actin Smooth Muscle - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9005-CS
Adenovirus - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9006-CS
Adipophilin/ADRP - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9007-CS
Albumin - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9008-CS
ALK Analyte Control (4 cores: negative, positive for WT ALK, positive for EML4-ALK and positive NPM-ALK), 1 block, Reference: HC
ALK Analyte Control (4 cores: negative, positive for WT ALK, positive for EML4-ALK and positive NPM-ALK), 2 sld, Reference: HCL0
ALK Analyte Control (4 cores: negative, positive for WT ALK, positive for EML4-ALK and positive NPM-ALK), 5 sld, Reference: HCL0
ALK-1/CD246 - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9010-CS
ALK-Lung Analyte Control (2 cores pos.+neg. for the EML4-ALK translocation) /ca. 300 Schnitte, 1 block, Reference: HCL009
ALK-Lung Analyte Control (2 cores pos.+neg. for the EML4-ALK translocation), 2 sld, Reference: HCL007
ALK-Lung Analyte Control (2 cores pos.+neg. for the EML4-ALK translocation), 5 sld, Reference: HCL008
ALK-Lymphoma Analyte Control (2 cores pos.+neg. for the NPM-ALK translocation) / ca. 300 Schnitte, 1 block, Reference: HCL012
ALK-Lymphoma Analyte Control (2 cores pos.+neg. for the NPM-ALK translocation), 2 sld, Reference: HCL010
ALK-Lymphoma Analyte Control (2 cores pos.+neg. for the NPM-ALK translocation), 5 sld, Reference: HCL011
Alpha Synuclein - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9011-CS
Alpha-Fetoprotein - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9012-CS
AMACRacemase/P504S - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9013-CS
Amyloid A - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9014-CS
Amyloid Beta - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9015-CS
Androgen Receptor - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9016-CS
Annexin A1 - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9017-CS
Annexin VII - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9018-CS
APOE4 - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9436-CS
Arginase-1 - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9019-CS
ARID1A - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9020-CS
Aspergillus - positive control slides, 5 sld, Reference: BSB-9442-CS
items: 25 50 100