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10% BSA Diluent/Blocking Solution, 1000 ml, Reference: 5140-0008
10% BSA Diluent/Blocking Solution, 2 x 100 ml, Reference: 5140-0006
20X SSC, 1000 ml, Reference: 5960-0021
20x Wash Solution Concentrate (Imidazole Buffered Saline with Tween-20), 1000 ml, Reference: 5150-0011
20x Wash Solution Concentrate (Imidazole Buffered Saline with Tween-20), 4 x 200 ml, Reference: 5150-0008
5x Detector Block, 240 ml, Reference: 5920-0004
BrightDiluent, blue antibody diluent, 1000 ml, Reference: BAD09-999
BrightDiluent, blue antibody diluent, 125 ml, Reference: BAD09-125
BrightDiluent, blue antibody diluent, 500 ml, Reference: BAD09-500
BrightDiluent, green antibody diluent, 1000 ml, Reference: UD09-999
BrightDiluent, green antibody diluent, 125 ml, Reference: UD09-125
BrightDiluent, green antibody diluent, 500 ml, Reference: UD09-500
BrightDiluent, red antibody diluent, 1000 ml, Reference: RAD09-999
BrightDiluent, red antibody diluent, 125 ml, Reference: RAD09-125
BrightDiluent, red antibody diluent, 500 ml, Reference: RAD09-500
BrightDiluent, yellow antibody diluent, 1000 ml, Reference: YAD09-999
BrightDiluent, yellow antibody diluent, 125 ml, Reference: YAD09-125
BrightDiluent, yellow antibody diluent, 500 ml, Reference: YAD09-500
Citrate buffer, Heat-Induced Epitope Retrieval (10x, Tween20), Clear, 100 ml, Reference: HIER100CC
Citrate buffer, Heat-Induced Epitope Retrieval (10x, Tween20), Clear, 1000 ml, Reference: HIER1000CC
Citrate buffer, Heat-Induced Epitope Retrieval (10x, Tween20), Clear, 250 ml, Reference: HIER250CC
Citrate buffer, Heat-Induced Epitope Retrieval (10x, Tween20), Clear, 500 ml, Reference: HIER500CC
Coating Solution Concentrate Kit, 2 x 25 ml, Reference: 5150-0014
CRYCOMPOUND BLUE, 100 ml, Reference: 1620-B
CRYCOMPOUND CLEAR, 100 ml, Reference: 1620-C
CRYCOMPOUND GREEN, 100 ml, Reference: 1620-G
CRYCOMPOUND RED, 100 ml, Reference: 1620-R
CRYCOMPOUND YELLOW, 100 ml, Reference: 1620-Y
CRYOCOMPOUND COLOUR KIT, 4 x 100 ml, Reference: 1620-MOHS
CRYOCOMPOUND ORANGE, 100 ml, Reference: 1620-O
Milk Diluent / Blocking Solution Concentrate, 2 x 100 ml, Reference: 5140-0011
MOUNTING MEDIA (WATER BASED), 30 ml, Reference: 4058
MOUNTING MEDIA (WATER BASED), 50 ml, Reference: 4059
Normal antibody diluent, 1000 ml, Reference: BD09-999
Normal antibody diluent, 125 ml, Reference: BD09-125
Normal antibody diluent, 500 ml, Reference: BD09-500
Phosphatase Assay Buffer (10x), 200 ml, Reference: 5960-0017
Phosphatase Wash Solution (5X), 600 ml, Reference: 5960-0018
Phosphate buffered Saline (10X) (PBS) with Tween 20, 1000 ml, Reference: 5460-0027
Phosphate buffered Saline (10X) (PBS) with Tween 20, 200 ml, Reference: 5460-0026
Phosphate buffered Saline (10X) (PBS), 1000 ml, Reference: 5460-0022
Phosphate buffered Saline (10X) (PBS), 5000 ml, Reference: 5460-0023
Silver Enhancer Kit for Membrane, 500 ml, Reference: 5450-0012
Silver Enhancer Kit for Microscopy, 50 ml, Reference: 5520-0021
Tris Buffered Saline (10X) (TBS), 1000 ml, Reference: 5460-0036
Tris Buffered Saline (10X) (TBS), 5000 ml, Reference: 5460-0037
Tris Buffered Saline (10X) mit 0,5% Tween 20, 1000 ml, Reference: 5460-0041
Tris Buffered Saline (10X) mit 0,5% Tween 20, 200 ml, Reference: 5460-0040
Tris Buffered Saline (10X) mit 10% Tween 20, 1000 ml, Reference: 5460-0044
Tris Buffered Saline (10X) mit 10% Tween 20, 200 ml, Reference: 5460-0043
items: 25 50 100